Please read the special terms, conditions and declarations carefully before booking or availing any service/s.
-The Service Meeting Slip is issued on the basis of the information provided by the customer. Therefore, it will be the responsibility of the customer to prove its veracity or authenticity. Tez Enterprises (18PLUS Beauty Temple) agency/agent does not take any responsibility in this regard.
-The meeting service space provided by the agency/agent to the clients shall be valid till the stipulated time and shall be at the personal responsibility of the clients.
-The personal meeting service space provided by the agency/agent to the clients undertakes not to interfere of any kind for the time period specified by the agency/agent. The agency/agent (under Article 21) undertakes confidentiality to all clients.
- Any obstruction, disturbance or danger to life, health, property, reputation caused by the customer to anyone else in the course of the meeting service, the agency/agent on receipt of the genuine complaint or realising that the meeting service is without reason reserves the right to take legal action with immediate cancellation. Advance payment can also be forfeited.
-All service meetings or exchange of services will be valid only under the mentioned list. The exchange of services shall be at the personal discretion and responsibility of the customers.
-The meeting service place will not be valid for any (special act, government orders, any court order or constitutional) prohibition services.
-Any customer suffering from contagious disease or under any kind of intoxication should not enter the office of Agency Tez Enterprises (18PLUS Beauty Temple), it will be at the customer's own responsibility. The agency/agent can cancel the bookings if found in such a case.
-All the responsibility for the selection/appointment of the service provider/holder and exchange of services shall rest with the potential service provider/holder.
-The agency / agent does not certify or verify the quality or quantity of services of any service provider, so the customer should choose the service providers wisely according to his own needs because the agency / agent always evaluates the quantity in a timely manner.
-The Customer shall be responsible for any activity during the Service/Meeting, as the place (office) is under the direct supervision of both the Customer (Provider/Holder).
-You (the service provider/customer) shall be solely responsible for availing/providing any unauthorised or non-mentioned services.
-The customer will be responsible for verifying the information (ID Mob No.) provided by you (the customer).
-Before availing the service, the provider / holder should discuss all the points related to the service itself. The agency/agent will not indemnify the service of any kind.
-In case the agency refunds any amount to you for any reason, the mobile number / ID provided by you will have to be authenticated. Payment will be made only after verification.
-Do not book the service or service provider, if you (customer) do not correspond with any matter or provision of the agency/agent.
-Follow the language limits while talking. In case of any suspicion of loss of morality or decency on account of your arrival or departure, your meeting service will be cancelled without assigning any reason.
-It will be mandatory to give the necessary documents along with the photo identity card if demanded by the institution.
-Please do not demand any illegal immoral service from the agency/agent.
-The consultancy fee for service related discussions is up to Rs.500/-, which is non-refundable. Provide meeting / service slip, service OTP to the service provider only when you are completely satisfied.
-Basic fee or payment made for screening and testing of service provider to the first 30 minutes will be non-refundable.