B2B Explanation:- Business to business marketing (B2B) - Other professional, technical and professional services. Service provider's platform for customer (advertisement) Sales of internet advertising space for classified ads of fixed duration. It often happens that for a good relationship there is a comparative negotiating power between the service provider and the customer. The client usually advertises by agreeing with the terms of the firm-agency.
B2B transactions strengthen direct-sourcing contract management, including price setting conditions and various other factors. B2B is a slow process that can take place over a short period of time (which can be minutes or days). In B2B, the reputation of a brand relies on a personal relationship between the service provider and the customer. Vertical B2B model Vertical B2B is generally oriented to manufacturing or development. It can be divided into two directions - upstream and downstream. A dedicated supply relationship can be formed with the service provider or service holder. Horizontal B2B model Horizontal is the transaction pattern for the B2B intermediate trading market. It focuses on different service providers in one location, as it provides a business opportunity for the service holder and the service provider, in which the service provider and service holders generally do not know each other and do not sell services. . . It is simply a platform to bring sellers and buyers online. It is a better platform that helps the service holder to get easily relevant information about service providers and service providers through the website www.18plusbeautytemple.com.